Friday, June 17, 2011

Review on Daddio's Italian Cafe`

If you ask anyone in the town of Pendleton, Indiana what the best place for Italian food in town is they would say Daddio's. Frankly it's the only Italian place in town. It's called an "Italian Cafe`" I don't think so it's just an ordinary Italian Place. Prices are high for this economy. $30.00 for a pizza! No way, i could understand deep dish but a new york style no. The pasta just taste like Fazolis, nothing really exiting. I give it a 3 out of 5.  

1 comment:

  1. Thirty bucks fer a pizzer?!?!?!?

    Come on over tuh my place, bud. My mom'll whip us up a Chef Boyardee pizzer fer five Worshingtons!
